LAND Open Call

L A N D: Open Call


Open call for proposals:

A temporary, outdoor project using or incorporating the stones, rocks, and rubble accumulating on site since we began our work here in August of last year. All outdoor spaces on the property are being made available for use in the proposed project. We are offering this open call as a way to begin generating a conversation, attitude, and approach to how these spaces can be thought about or put to use. 

Submissions accepted now through June 01, 2024, at midnight EST. 

The available material consists of sandstone, limestone, granite, clay brick, and various other types of stone ranging from hand-cut cobblestone pavers to boulders in raw form. Many of the sandstones were displaced from the original foundation of the house during our recent excavations and rebuilding. The remaining material being ground scatter collected from throughout the property during our ongoing work clearing the land and rehabilitating the soil. 

Proposals should directly address the use of this material.

An honorarium of $300 USD will be paid upon completion of the proposed work and should be considered the project budget. You will be given access to work in the space for one month leading up to the public opening on September 28, 2024. 

Please submit a PDF containing:

  1. A brief, written description of your proposed idea.

  2. 3 images of current work.

  3. Any additional visual materials you think might help reinforce your proposal.

If making a digital submission is not accessible to you, or you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss other means of submission.

Phone: (216) 266-0589 

Mail: 3731 Pearl Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44109


Sectional Maps from U.S. Geological Survey and Ohio Department of Natural Resources Geology Interactive Map, Satellite View of SHED Projects exterior.